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    Novel Petasis boronic acid reactions with 1,3,5-tri-oxygenated benzenes

    Novel Petasis boronic acid reactions with 1,3,5-tri-oxygenated benzenes

    Published in: Journal, Volume :44, Issue : 49, Pages : 8861-8863

    DOI : 10.1016/j.tetlet.2003.09.178

    Author : Naskar, Dinabandhu; Roy, Amrita; Seibel, William L.

    Abstract : 1,3,5-Tri-Oxygenated benzenes can serve as substrates for the Petasis boronic acid reaction, providing a practical synthetic route for the two C-C bond formation of α-(1,3,5-tri-oxygenated phenyl)carboxylic acids. The scope and limitations of this method were examined