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    N-Arylation of nitrogen containing heterocycles with aryl halides using copper nanoparticle catalytic system

    N-Arylation of nitrogen containing heterocycles with aryl halides using copper nanoparticle catalytic system

    Published in: Journal, Volume : 57, Issue : 29, Pages : 3140-3145

    DOI : 10.1016/j.tetlet.2016.06.019

    Author : Pai, Gita; Chattopadhyay, Asoke P.

    Abstract : Cu nanoparticles promoted N-arylation of NH-heterocycles, e.g., I with aryl halides ArX [Ar = 4-H3CC6H4, 2,4-(Cl)2C6H3, 4-O2NC6H4, etc.; X = Cl, I] is an effective and inexpensive method. In this synthetic protocol, good to excellent yields are obtained. Both aryl iodide and aryl bromide are compatible with the reaction conditions.