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    A new chalcone glycoside from Rhamnus nipalensis

    A new chalcone glycoside from Rhamnus nipalensis

    Published in: Journal, Article, Volume : 22, Issue : 18, Pages : 1657-1659

    DOI : 10.1080/14786410701876635

    Author : Pandey, M. B.; Singh, A. K.; Singh, U.; Singh, S.; Pandey, V. B.

    Abstract : A new chalcone glycoside, chalcone-2′,4-dihydroxy-4′-O-β-D-glucoside was isolated from Rhamnus nipalensis together with sitosterol, lupeol, di-O-methyldaidzein, kaempferol-4′-methylether, quercetin, physcion, sitosterol glucoside, emodin and their structures established by spectroscopic data. Isolation of these compounds are the first report from this plant.