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    Kolkata, India - Aug 16, 2018

    NCLT Convened Meeting

    CA (CAA) No. 564/KB/2018

    1. TCG Lifesciences Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. Regd. off: Block-BN, Plot-7, Salt Lake Electronic Complex, Sector-V, Kolkata 700091. …Demerged Company/ First Applicant Company

    2. Green Cross Therapeutics Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. Regd. Off.: Bengal Intelligent Park, Ground Floor, Beta Building Block EP&GP, Sector V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata 700091.
    … Resulting Company/Second Applicant Company Notice and Advertisement of notice of the meeting of creditors
    Notice is hereby given that by an Order dated the 13th day of July 2018, the Kolkata Bench of the National Company Law Tribunal has directed separate meetings to be held of the secured and unsecured creditors of First Applicant Company for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving with or without modification, the proposed arrangement embodied in Scheme of Arrangement between the

    Demerged Company and Resulting Company.
    In pursuance of the said Orders and as directed therein further notice is hereby given that separate meetings will be held as under :

    In relation to Transferor/Demerging Company (TCG Lifesciences Private Limited)

    a. Meeting of unsecured creditors shall be held at Block-BN, Plot-7, Salt Lake Electronic Complex, Sector-V Kolkata 700091 on Friday, 31st August 2018 at 11:30 am.
    b. Meeting of secured creditors shall be held at Block-BN, Plot-7, Salt Lake Electronic Complex, Sector-V Kolkata 700091 on Friday, 31st August 2018 at 12:30 pm.

    Copies of the said Scheme of arrangement and of the explanatory statement under section 230 can be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the companies or at the office of its authorized representative Ms. Sanchari Chakraborty, Advocate at 8/1 Kiron Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata 700 001. Persons entitled to attend and vote at the meeting (or respective meetings), may vote in person or by proxy, provided that all proxies in the prescribed form are deposited at the registered office of the Demerged Company as indicated above not later than 30 minutes
    before the meeting.

    Forms of proxy can be obtained from the registered office of the Demerged Company. The Tribunal has appointed Shri Arkodeb Sinha, Advocate, as the Chairperson and Mr. Kovid Mukherjee, PCS, as the scrutinizer of the said meetings. The above mentioned Scheme of Arrangement, if approved by the meeting, will be subject to the subsequent approval of the Hon’ble Tribunal. Dated this 19th day of July 2018

    Sd./- Arkodeb Sinha, Chairperson
    Appointed by the Order of the Hon’ble National Company Law Tribunal, Kolkata